Winter is here, for some it's been here for a while, arriving quite early this year. Winter brings many things, skiing, snow boarding, lighting a fire, hot cocoa, snow balls and snow men. It also brings less sun light.
Having grown up in Michigan I know what it's like to truly experience winter. I also know what it's like to high tail it south because of that experience. The hardest part of winter that I can personally relate to is the lack of sunshine. I remember days upon endless days of little to no sunlight. Endless gray and cold. The lack of sunlight and the depression that results from it has been discussed and studied for many years. More and more I keep reading that we can experience Vitamin D deficiency as a result of too little sun, most often occurring in the winter.
You see the most efficient way for our bodies to absorb Vitamin D is through sunlight as opposed to milk or even supplements as previously thought. Vitamin D deficiencies can lead not only to weak bones, but high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes and several auto immune diseases, particularly muscular dystrophy. Studies have revealed that cities with limited sunshine, Seattle WA, for example have much higher rates of those suffering from MS than cities that receive more sunlight.
So what do we do during these months of limited and often times non existent sunlight? Even those of us who live in milder climates experience limited amounts of Vitamin D absorption in the winter as UV rays are much weaker than in warmer months. Well the next best thing, researchers say, is supplements. The RDA for adults varies with the rule of thumb being 400IU per day, with many researchers and doctors claiming we need a much higher dosage, particularly during the winter. Do your research to determine the best amount for you.
In the spring when the sun reappears and regains it's warmth along with more intense UV rays, what about the risk of skin cancer? A good question no doubt with all the attention skin cancer has received in recent years. We have now been taught to slather on the sunscreen and cover up before exposing ourselves to the sun's harmful rays. Now we are discovering the sun is once again our friend. Well researches say that just fifteen minutes on your face, arms and legs each day can provide you with enough Vitamin D to sustain a healthy body and help prevent disease. So get outside, put your face to the sun and get yourself some Vitamin D. If you live in a climate that is suffering from sun deficiency, get outside as much as possible, take your Vitamin D supplements until our friend, The Sun, returns with the crocuses.
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